Services Details

Astro provides online Puja Services Details


Online Puja is a virtual form of the traditional Hindu ritual of worship, allowing individuals to participate in religious ceremonies and rituals remotely via the internet. With the advancement of technology, Online Puja services have become increasingly popular, offering convenience and accessibility to devotees around the world.

Through Online Puja platforms, individuals can request and customize various rituals and ceremonies to be performed on their behalf by experienced priests or pandits. These rituals may include daily puja, special ceremonies for festivals and auspicious occasions, homams (fire rituals), and specific deity worship.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Selection of Puja: Individuals choose the type of puja or ceremony they wish to perform based on their religious beliefs, personal intentions, or specific occasions.

  2. Customization: Users have the option to customize the puja by specifying details such as the deity to be worshipped, the purpose of the ritual, specific prayers or mantras to be recited, and any offerings or materials required.

  3. Booking and Payment: Once the puja details are finalized, users book the service through the Online Puja platform and make the necessary payment online.

  4. Puja Performance: On the scheduled date and time, trained priests or pandits conduct the puja remotely using live streaming technology. They perform the rituals according to the prescribed traditions and guidelines, adhering to the specific requests and intentions of the devotee.

  5. Participation: Participants can observe and participate in the puja virtually through live video streaming, allowing them to connect with the sacred rituals and receive blessings from afar. Some platforms also offer options for interactive participation, such as chanting along with the priest or offering virtual prasad (blessed food).

  6. Prasad Delivery: After the puja is completed, prasad (blessed offerings) and other ceremonial items are sent to the devotee's address as a tangible symbol of divine blessings and grace.

Online Puja services provide a convenient and accessible means for devotees to uphold their religious traditions, seek divine blessings, and cultivate spiritual connection, regardless of geographical constraints or time limitations. While it may not fully replace the experience of in-person worship, Online Puja offers a valuable alternative for individuals seeking to engage in religious rituals and ceremonies in today's digital age.